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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

True Love

In this world, there are only two main things that people do: to seek for love; and to compensate for the lack of love. As we can see, love can affect our reality. Some people sing for love, some dance for love, some talk about love, some live for love, some KILL for LOVE, and some even DIE for LOVE, yet no one knows exactly how long love will last?

There were many couples who had fallen in love and then broke up. One of the reasons, I believe, is that they never take time to fall in LIKE. They just had crush on each other and established intimate relationship and then ended up facing the opposite ways.

From my observation, true love doesn't last forever. And according to some scientific studies, true love for most people lasts for only 30 months. Well, that seems to sound somewhat negative, doesn't it? But it is true to most people. There are some chemicals in our brain that function as love agents called oxytocin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine. When scanning the brains, these chemicals light up in the early stages of courtship and disappear by the time a couple has stayed together for more or less than 30 months. However, that doesn't mean that a couple will leave each other. They tend to live together more like a habit than a romantic love.

In contrast, there are some people who can break this barrier of 30-month love. They tend to love each other until their hairs turn gray. Those people are really true lovers but they represent only a small portion of the whole population.

I'm afraid that these might scare some people who want to bridge intimate relationship, but I can't do anything besides telling you that we have to be prepared to face it when it happens to us because it is a nature of human beings--the best defense is a great offense. Finally, although there is some evidence about the never-lasting true love, I still believe that a love is true or not true is very much up to us. We are the ones who decide.

By: NGUON Chhayleang

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